Friday, November 10, 2006

Xtension Chords on BOCA 2007!

The list of songs on the upcoming 2007 BOCA (Best of College Acappella) compilation album has just been announced, and track #2 is going to be The U. of Illinois Xtension Chords - "Just The Girl".


I have to admit, it makes me feel pretty darn good that my first effort at recording/producing an Xchords track was chosen for BOCA. And track 2 is a good place to be -- A LOT of people are going to hear us. We all deserve credit for this puppy though -- Brian Thoman threw down a killer solo, and all the parts from Ryan's powerful, precise bass singing to Ed's balls out high A's made this track work. And Bill Hare is really good at mixing. Sorry, that was my moment of gloating... now back to work on the rest of the album :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kestutis and Xtension Chords! Quite the feat! Truly amazing! The song sounds wonderful...the honor is well-deserved. :)

Anonymous said...

Right on man, that's kick asss. The extra s is for supercalafrajalisticixpyalidocious