Basically, it's a display of real preserved human bodies in various "creative" poses, with various layers of tissue removed so visitors can see the inner workings of the human anatomy up close and in person.
This particular dude (from Body Worlds 1) is carrying his own skin in one arm.
The exhibit is definitely worth seeing. Seeing the musculature, the organs, the circulatory system (JUST the circulatory system with no tissue!) of real people is a biology lesson unlike any other.
But, a part of me cringed during the entire two hours I spent at the exhibit. Each body is posed -- kicking a soccer ball, doing yoga, skateboarding, etc. And the poor guy who died of cancer probably never touched a skateboard in his life. And here's his body, skinned, gutted, twisted upside down into some skate trick pose, on display for thousands to peek into his butthole to see the intestinal tract. It's the gimmick that bothered me -- the expectation of visitors to have an aesthetic appreciation for real bodies of once living people, contorted and cut up. Marketing this as a "creative" and "artistic" exhibit seemed wrong.
But it goes to show that people will swallow anything if you present it in the right context. Put these figures in a SCIENCE museum, and people come in droves. But if I were to dim the lights and stand behind the bodies in a hockey mask, just start rolling the camera and you've got a horror film.
I personally ignored the "art" of the exhibit and focused on the anatomy. I did feel a sense of awe, but it was because I saw what an intricate and well-designed machine the human body really is. Check the exhibit out -- it's worth it.
1 comment:
I caught a preview of the exhibit at Midway airport (they had some cross sections on display behind a curtain.) I thought it was more gross than entertaining. Reminded me of learning about how the renaissance greats (leonardo, michelangelo...) would take bodies apart to study their anatomy and bettering their sculputing prowess from the knowledge. I can't imagine joe six pack at the sci ind. museum really doing anything substantial with his having seen the exhibit. You have to wonder if the people knew what their donated bodies would become, and if they didn't, would they have still signed whatever paper they did?
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